80 Volunteers Needed on Saturday, April 5th to Help Giveaway Bikes

Family from Columbia at the 2023 Bike Giveaway

Our cornerstone program is the annual Bike Giveaway Program which also encompasses the Bike to Work Program. Through these two programs, Bikes for Kids distributes over 2,000 bikes each year to people in need of bikes for learning to ride, biking to school, transportation to work, or to access community connections and services. 

After collecting a minimum of 2,200 bikes, we put out a call for applicant organizations, other 501c3’s and public schools, to identify our bike recipients each year. Over 3,000 volunteer hours by our small but mighty pool of dedicated volunteers, we are ready to start giving bikes away to their new owners just in time for prime riding season. 

Bike Giveaway Event is April 5, 2025

All bike recipients have been pre-registered with their names, heights, the organization they are affiliated with, and other data points for our administrative and grant writing needs. Bikes are distributed in three ways: 

  • In-Person Bike Giveaway Event in Madison, WI 
  • Voucher Program for Organizations that serve individuals often in need of transportation to work
  • Bulk Giveaway for organizations outside of Dane County

Now we’re asking for your help to distribute the bikes that have been fully restored to like-new condition! 

We’ll have two shifts available for the April 5 bike giveaway event. The first shift is ideal for those new to volunteering for this event. Training will be provided at 10:30am and the shift runs until 1:45-2pm. If you are a seasoned volunteer, the second shift may be best since you’ll be jumping in mid-event and little training can be provided. But, we will take volunteers for either shift so long as you understand that once the event begins, it is challenging to jump in at the shift change at 1:30pm. 

To sign up for a shift, please click the button below. Youth ages 7 and up are welcome to pitch in with an adult. This volunteer event is fast paced, many shifts require lots of walking, rolling bikes, and engaging with marginalized populations of diverse backgrounds. 

**Please Note: All bikes have been pre-registered through Distribution Partners (nonprofits and public schools) so this event is not open to the public. We will be selling low-cost, high-quality bikes starting on April 9th so please stop by!


Positions Include: 

Bike Runners (15 needed) – not public facing but lots of miles walked restocking bikes from the warehouse to the parking lot. This role is great for high schoolers! 

Registration Table – (8 needed) – public facing and very busy at times. You’ll be entering each registrant as their first stop at the event. Warm friendly faces that can handle high amounts of stress at times. Former restaurant hosts and servers are great in this role! 

Helmet Fitters – (14 needed) – this role is public facing and requires close contact with lots of children and adults. You’ll be fitting helmets so they can go and shop for bikes so people are excited and may be wiggly. Extreme patience is required and experience fitting helmets is preferred. 

Bike Shoppers – (20 needed) – this role helps our recipients shop for bikes, requires asking them questions about what they are looking for, how they ride, where they plan to use their bikes, and helps fit bikes to their new owners. Bike experience is required meaning you will be a seasoned biker who knows how to fit bikes of all styles and sizes to individuals. Much of the role is keeping the parking area orderly and safe for those who are walking and riding about. 

Wayfinding Support/Greeters/Facilitators – (4 needed) – this role is primarily stationary but requires standing at all times. You will greet people as they arrive and explain the process and direct them on where to go. Friendly, smiley people are best in this role. You’ll also need to run and get supplies and other needs as the registration table may need or the helmets fitters may need. 

Bike giveaway recipients having helmets fitted
2024 bike giveaway parking lot
family receives bikes
Poster recruiting volunteers for the bike giveaway event